Therapy for parents
Therapy for parents. The practical guidance for parents who want to invest in themselves, so they can enjoy their children more.
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Foreword by Arnold Groos
Welcome to the book that’s about you as a parent. It describes and explains how you cope with the challenges of parenting. It’s mostly about you, but also about how you interact with your partner and your children. You probably understand already the difficulties of raising children. It’s the good parent who finds it hard to raise children. You are a good parent, and you’re about to read this book. You think about raising children as a serious business. And it is. It’s a life changer. Children don’t come with instruction manuals or videos. It is normal to have feelings of failure while raising a child. Parental skills are not for sale. It is a complex system that starts with, and mostly involves you.
In this book, I’d like to teach you a few basic steps that can help you to become your better self. Looking after yourself is the path to a better relationship with your partner, and will have a positive influence on the way you parent your children. Becoming a better parent starts with you. This book is not a theoretical lecture. It is a practical guide with real examples. Of course, things are never as easy or as simple as they seem. Every step for change starts with awareness. As soon as you realize that, you train your self- awareness and you are on your way. I have never seen a list of suggestions capable of creating fundamental change. The only path to change is through you. You need to look closely at yourself, and take care of yourself if you wish to become an agent of change.
Reasons why to buy this e-book
- Easy to read
- Full of real life examples
- Makes you think about yourself
- Helps you understand difficult topics
- Changes your perspective on parenting
- Helps you to accept yourself
- No other book writes about these issues from the point of view of the parent
- Helps you to do things differently in order to enjoy your children more
The Author
My name is Arnold Groos, and I wrote this book for parents. All parents know that that parenting can be challenging. I have been working as a therapist for many years and I have seen over 1000 parents in my therapy room practice.
Parenting is a life changer! What is often overlooked is that parents should need to take good care of themselves. This book helps parents to empower themselves. We’ll look atTopics like be becoming a parent, handling teenagers, working together with your partner, putting yourself first, handling teenagers, coping with stress and many moreother important issues topics. Everything in this book is meant to turn a parent into a better parent. Parents will find the strength in themselves to make important changes in family life, and enjoy their children more.
The book is full of practical examples from the parents I helped in therapy. Many years of experience and accumulated wisdom are included here. It is my hope that all parents may benefit from these important lessons.